
【FWD】Support Program for Foreign HIV Patients x Receiving Medication Within 2 Years in Taiwan衛福部疾管署有關「在臺外籍愛滋感染者 服藥2年內支持計畫」宣導資訊


【FWD】Support Program for Foreign HIV Patients x Receiving Medication Within 2 Years in Taiwan


To reduce healthcare barriers for foreign HIV patients in Taiwan and to enhance the effectiveness of HIV prevention and treatment, this program is jointly administered by the Taiwan CDC and Gilead Sciences. It aims to assist foreign HIV patients in Taiwan who do not qualify for government subsidies and must cover their treatment costs themselves, especially those in economically disadvantaged situations, to receive consistent HIV treatment in Taiwan. The program seeks to prevent the increased risks of severe illness and virus transmission due to lack of or interrupted treatment. The program will begin on August 1, 2024 and will continue until the donated medications are exhausted.

Please see https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Category/MPage/IobI3FJ6ir4-Ztk0m0nWPw for more details.


【轉知】衛生福利部疾病管制署有關「在臺外籍愛滋感染者 服藥2年內支持計畫」宣導資訊




相關檔案亦可於該署網頁(https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Category/MPage/IobI3FJ6ir4-Ztk0m0nWPw )查詢參考運用。


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